Testosterone is one of the most crucial hormones needed to build muscles. It can also be a limiting factor as it can determine how much your actual muscles can grow.
If you are able to increase the amount of testosterone your body produces, there are a variety of benefits to your body, including:
Increasing your muscle size and strength
Decreasing your body’s fat levels
Improve your mood
Decreasing your overall and your bad cholesterol
To work on naturally increasing your testosterone, try these 9 steps;
1) Use compound exercises in your workouts.
Compound exercises refer to a great deal of basic workouts such as squats, deadlifts, bench presses and chin ups. Each of these basic workouts place a great deal of stress on your muscle groups, forcing them to release testosterone.
2) Give Your Workouts 100% Effort
In order to gain the best effects from your efforts, give every workout as much as you can as it is the stress that you place on your muscles that will help them to grow.
3) Don’t Forget Your Legs
A bunch of people only train their chest, or they spend a small amount of time developing their legs. Don’t forget your legs- workout your entire body. The legs are a very large muscle group, and training them will actually help your upper body grow.
4) Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs)
Be sure to add a high volume of essential fatty acids to your daily diet as they are a great way to boost your own body’s natural testosterone levels. Even if you are trying to restrict calories, consuming healthy fats should not be a problem. NB: Fats from foods like: avocado pear, vegetables. Omega 6 & 9 rich foods.
5) Monitor Soy Intake
While there are many health benefits of soy, it can have a negative effect on testosterone production, so when possible work to avoid it in your diet.
6) Limit your consumption of alcohol
Alcohol has been shown to have quite a dramatic effect on testosterone levels, so try to limit your "binge drinking" nights and keep your alcohol consumption in moderation.
7) Eat Your Vegetables
The following vegetables are beneficial at naturally increasing testosterone, including: broccoli, cauliflower, radishes, turnips, cabbage and brussel sprouts.
8) Manage Your Personal Stress Levels
Increased stress levels can work to reduce your testosterone levels.
9) Go to Sleep
Too many people do not get enough sleep and a lack of sleep substantially reduce testosterone levels. Aim for 8 hours every night- even on weekends!
Remember that the higher your levels of testosterone, the easier it will be to pack on muscle, so be sure to follow these steps I've recommended!
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